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28 Items That Are Not Dishwasher Safe

by Yaya Maria |

28 Items That Are Not Dishwasher Safe

Tired of playing a guessing game of what’s dishwasher safe and what’s not? Today you’re going to learn which items should never go in the dishwasher.

Let’s get started.

Dishwasher safe

28 items that are not dishwasher safe

1. Wooden items are not dishwasher safe

If you place a wooden utensil into your dishwasher it’ll ruin the finish. Also, the heat inside dishwashers will cause the wood to dry out and crack. Inside those cracks bacteria will begin to grow and turn that part of the utensil black. Anything made from wood should get hand washed only (read this post for the best hand-washing tips).

2. Non-stick pots and pans need to washed by hand

Nonstick pans have a sensitive coating that’ll get damaged over time if they get washed inside a dishwasher. The danger is that toxic chemicals inside the coating will escape and start leaking into the next meal you prepare. These items are definitely not dishwasher safe and should always be hand washed. 

3. Cast iron isn’t dishwasher safe

Cast iron pans should never be exposed to harsh detergents because they will ruin the seasoned nonstick surface. Only wash those items with water and a small bit of mild and natural dish soap.

Why natural?

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4. Hand wash your crystalware

If you wash crystal inside your dishwasher it will soon look dull and cloudy. To keep those items shiny and new you gotta wash them by hand using mild and natural dish soap.

5. Double check plastics

Check in the back of your plastic items for a dishwasher safe symbol. But even if a manufacturer says an item is safe to be placed inside a dishwasher, remember to keep them away from the heating element in the dishwasher and place them on the upper rack to prevent them from melting.

6. Deli containers

Lightweight plastic containers from your deli can easily melt in a dishwasher. It’s great to reuse them to reduce trash but you better wash them by hand, because they’re not dishwasher safe.

7. Your thermos is not dishwasher safe

The rubber seal of your thermos shouldn’t get exposed to high temperatures. Always wash your thermos by hand.

8. Measuring cups with printing

If you want to protect the printed measuring units on those items then its best not to expose them to the heat and harsh detergents in dishwashers. Better hand wash them with some natural dish soap.

9. Items with paper labels

Adhesives and paper don’t have very high chances of surviving inside a dishwasher. Most likely the labels will come off and clog your dishwasher. It’s best to wash such items by hands.

10. Your garlic press isn’t dishwasher safe

Using a garlic press prevents you from getting smelly fingers and saves you time for not having to chop, but there’s a caveat: you gotta wash your garlic press by hand. The tiny bits and pieces that get stuck inside the crevices are something a dishwasher just can’t handle. The bottom line? A garlic press is not dishwasher safe.

11. Hand wash dishware with metallic decoration

If you got any fancy dishes with a metallic trim you should always wash those by hand. Dishwashers will slowly wash off the decoration and make it look faded.

12. Brass or bronze items are not dishwasher safe

Don’t risk the good looks of these metals. Washing them in a dishwasher will make them look dull. Better wash ‘em by hand.

13. Milk glass may turn yellow

If you put items made with milk glass in your dishwasher you might get away with it a few times, but sooner or later those items will turn yellow. Definitely not dishwasher safe.

14. Lather up your cheese grater

If you think grating cheese if a lot of work then you’re not going to like this one: cheese graters are not dishwasher safe and need to be washed by hand. It’s impossible for dishwashers to get rid of all the sticky residue on cheese graters. The best way to clean a grater is to wash it immediately by hand once your done using it.

15. Sieves are best washed by hand

The issue with sieves is that they have too many little holes and food gets stuck inside them all the time. That’s impossible for dishwashers to clean. The best way to keep a sieve clean is to soak it in water right after using it. Then use a brush to get rid of the food residue (we recommend this one). That’s how you’ll get out all the stuck bits and pieces.

16. Pet dishes don’t belong inside the dishwasher

No matter how much fun Fido adds to your life, there’s something you gotta know. His mouth is packed with bacteria, some of which are dangerous for the human immune system. For example, capnocytophaga canimorsus are harmful to humans with elevated iron levels in their blood. If you place pet dishes into the dishwasher any bacteria on them will get spread all over your dishes and as a result you might get diarrhea, skin rashes, or a fever among other health related issues. This is why pet dishes are not dishwasher safe and need to be hand washed.

17. Sink stopper

For a similar reason you shouldn’t place a sink stopper inside a dishwasher. Because sink stoppers are located close to the drain, germs easily spread all over them. The best way to keep your sink stopper and your entire sink germ free is to sanitize it with vinegar (learn more in this post).

18. Utensils made from more than one part

You might have kitchen utensils that are made from more than one part and that are glued together. When those items get exposed to the high temperatures inside dishwashers, the adhesive that holds them together is likely to loosen and can cause the utensil to fall apart. Always wash such utensils by hand.

19. Glued items need to be hand washed

Any item that had to be glued back together needs to be hand washed. The harsh detergents inside dishwashers and the high temperatures will take off any adhesive.

20. Acrylic dishware

Always wash those items by hand. The high temperatures and harsh chemicals will lead to cracks over time if washed in a dishwasher.

21. Dishes with big pieces of food on them

Modern dishwashers have been designed in a way that makes pre-rinsing dishes irrelevant. But that doesn’t mean you can leave large pieces of food on them. Leftovers on your plate are not dishwasher safe and belong into the trash.

22. Sharp knives get dull in the dishwasher

Don’t put your sharp knives inside the dishwasher if you want them to stay sharp. It’s best to rinse them right after you’re done using them or soak them if they got dried food stuck on them. Then you gotta wash ‘em by hand because they’re not dishwasher safe.

23. Hand wash delicate items

Any item that’s easily breakable should be washed by hand. This goes for any hand-blown glass items, antiques, and wine glasses. None of those are dishwasher safe.

24. Hand-painted ceramics are not dishwasher safe

Harsh detergents and high temperatures in dishwashers are bad for colors on hand-painted. Better hand wash anything hand-painted.

25. Gold-colored items

Any gold-colored dishes need to be washed by hand and never in the dishwasher if you want the color to stay shiny.

26. Pressure-cooker lids don’t belong in the dishwasher

Due to the rubber sealing ring inside the lid it’s best to wash them by hand. The ring can easily be damaged by the heat inside a dishwasher. Food particles and harsh detergents can also get stuck inside the lid and spoil your next meal.

27. Hand wash your aluminum cookware

High temperatures and harsh chemicals are too much for aluminum cookware to handle. Better use some natural dish soap on those items and hand wash them.

28. Reusable baking mats are not dishwasher safe

When you put reusable baking mats inside a dishwasher you’re exposing them to danger. Those mats break down over time and the heat inside the dishwasher is too high for them. Lather up the mats with a sponge and some natural dish soap instead.

Now you know what's not dishwasher safe

After having read this post you’re a pro when it comes to knowing what’s dishwasher safe and what’s not.

For any kitchen utensil that needs to be treated with extra care we recommend you try the most natural dish soap there is.

This will not only keep any item shiny and clean, but also 100% toxin free.

(When you make a purchase from links in this post we might receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.)


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