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6 Reasons for Using Eco-Friendly Dish Soap

by Yaya Maria |

6 Reasons Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly Dish Soap

If you’re not using eco-friendly dish soap this post is going to change that.

We’ve looked at the benefits of eco-friendly dish soap.

The problems it solves.

The ones it prevents.

And we’re gonna show you how eco-friendly dish soap is great for the environment and your health.

Let’s do this.

Eco friendly dish soap

Why use eco-friendly dish soap?

When you compare a truly earth-friendly dish soap to a conventional one you’ll immediately notice a significant difference:

One uses natural ingredients that have been proven to be good for your health.

The other one is packed with lots of toxins that have the opposite effect.

Watch this video to learn more:


So what does this mean for you and everything these toxins get in touch with?

We identified 6 problems that chemicals in dish soap are responsible for.

And we looked at how you can easily prevent them by simply using an eco-friendly dish soap.

1. Chemicals in dish soap can enter your body

Let’s start with you.

Obviously, maintaining your health is a great thing.

But did you know that you’re putting yourself in unnecessary danger when you’re using conventional dish soap?

Probably not.

But the truth is that dish soap contains numerous toxins.

And when you do your dishes these toxins get in contact with your skin.

Based on a study, the more and the longer your skin is exposed to the chemical ingredients in dish soap, the more get absorbed.

Got a lot of dirty dishes?

Your exposure goes up.

Using a lot of conventional dish soap on top of that?

Now your exposure increases even more.

Just think about how many times a day you’re doing the dishes.

You can probably see how this can add up.

So maybe now you’re thinking “But I wear rubber gloves that protect my skin when I do the dishes”.

Nice one, but there’s a catch.

You have to prevent any dish soap from accidentally entering the space between the skin and inside the glove.


Because researchers from Sweden found that due to the lack of evaporation in such a scenario your skin absorbs five times more toxins from soap than without gloves.

And there’s another reason why gloves aren’t safe enough...

2. You eat chemical residue every day

Here’s the deal:

Conventional dish soaps include a bunch of toxins.

But how about this:

Don’t chemicals in conventional dish soap get watered down enough when you do the dishes so that they can’t cause any harm?

Partly… but:

Dish soap clings on to your dishes even after rinsing them.

How is this possible?

Due to your water.

Here’s why:

Most municipalities in the US provide households with hard water.

You can see for yourself if this applies to your area by looking at this map right here.

Hard water contains a bunch of healthy minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which where accumulated by the water while running through layers of soil on its way to the ground water.

And when you do the dishes these minerals get stuck to them.

Along with them some of your dish soap gets stuck too.

Ever seen dull looking dishes with white residue on them?

That’s your detergent or dish soap sticking to your cups and plates thanks to hard water.

So the next time you eat, this residue mixes in with your food.

It enters your body.

Reaches your blood stream.

And ends up in your organs.

Now your liver and your kidneys need to work harder to rid yourself of the malignant substances.

The easier way:

Use a green dish soap that isn’t packed with toxins.

Eco-friendly dish soaps usually contain ingredients that are natural and safe.

Knowing the chemicals in dish soap to avoid is great.

And knowing how to protect yourself from these chemicals by using a green dish soap is also great.

But what if you can use what you’ve read so far to protect others?

3. Don’t let your kids get allergies

It’s an undisputed fact:

A study found that even though allergic diseases already affect 35% of children this phenomenon is still on the rise.

And the culprits have been identified:

The first one is genetics.

If one parent has allergies there’s a 30-40% that the child will get them too.

And there’s an 80% when both parents are allergic.

Based on another study, the second reason for kids getting allergies is soap.

Many toxic ingredients are found in all kinds of soap, ranging from hand soap to soap wipes to dish soap.

Allergens often used in conventional dish soap formulas include Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, and Methylisothiazolinone among many others.

Now you know to keep conventional dish soap away from your kids and their dishes.

And you’re going to switch to eco-friendly dish soap.

But what happens once your dish water goes down the drain?

Here’s what you need to know:

4. You’re damaging your septic tank

This is a big one.

In the US, 21 million households have a septic tank.

Vermont tops the list with a whooping 55% of homes on septic.

Why mention septic tanks when talking about dish soap?

Because everything that goes into these tanks needs to be broken down by bacteria.

And the more harsh chemicals end up inside the tank the harder it gets for the bacteria to do their job.

So what happens when the bacteria can’t break down the content inside the tank?

Your tank will fill up faster.

Your grass will grow faster too.

And it won’t be long until your neighbors start complaining about the smell.

You’ll have to get your tank pumped and this will increase your maintenance cost.

The solution?

Eco-friendly dish soap.

Green dish soap does not contain any harsh ingredients.

It’s nontoxic.

And easily biodegradable.

This lets the bacteria do their job and your tank won’t get clogged.

Now the water in your tank can flow into the ground.

Which brings us to the next issue…

5. You’re polluting your ground water

Ever wonder about what happens to all the chemicals in conventional soap, detergents and other household cleaning products after they flow down your drain?

If you have a septic system whatever the bacteria in your tank don’t break down flows straight into the groundwater.

If your home is hooked up to the sewer the more household cleaners you dump down the drain the harder it is for the treatment plant to clean the waste water.

Using environmentally-safe dish soap reduces your municipality’s cost for cleaning the dirty water.

And the cleaning process requires fewer chemicals.

Bottom line?

Eco-friendly dish soap a win-win for you and the planet.

6. You’re harming aquatic life

Need more proof why eco-friendly dish soap is better for the planet?

Here it comes:

Ingredients such as Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Sodium Polyacrylate, and surfactants found in conventional dish soaps and detergents cause harm to all kinds of aquatic life.

They destroy the protective layer of fish that shields them off from bacteria and parasites.

They injure their gills.

5 parts per millions (ppm) in water kill fish eggs.

And 15 ppm kill fish.

In case you enjoy eating fish this piece of information is for you:

Detergents in the water make it easier for pesticides to get absorbed by fish.

In other words:

The pesticides will end up on your plate.

A detergent / dish soap concentration of only 2 ppm already causes fish to absorb double the usual amount of toxic chemicals in the water.

Especially, untreated toxins that get into the water through septic tanks pose a danger to fish and other aquatic life.

With environmentally safe dish soap you don’t have to worry about such issues.

Win the battle against toxins in your dish soap

So if you wanna keep toxins out of your body, protect your kids, reduce the maintenance cost of you septic tank, protect the ground water and aquatic life then you have a clear case:

Get yourself some environmentally-friendly dish soap.

Eco-friendly dish soap


Find out more right here.

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